Info and photos by Cleon Henry for Overtime Media

The young people of La Brea, Vessigny, Dow Village, Vance River, Point Fortin and environs waited to make certain of Yung Bredda's arrival in their community before dashing out en masse to the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service's visiting Youth Caravan at the Point Fortin Recreation Ground in La Brea recently.

Scores of residents flocked to the ground late that afternoon after DJ/Producer Travis World starred as the "Village Celebrity DJ" and invited all within earshot to come out and experience access to a wealth of information on courses, classes, job and career opportunities, health services, fitness bingo and more.

Those in attendance were privy to an informative and entertaining afternoon, with scores of friendly and informative personnel present to represent organisations such as NEDCO, The NESC Technical Institute, YTEPP Limited, CARIRI, NAMDEVCO, The Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago, MIC Institute of Technology, Cipriani College, MTS, OJT, NALIS, the Agricultural Development Bank and many others. The initiative was then made complete with an engaging live performance from Akhenaton "Yung Bredda" Lewis and Jelani "DJ Hotty" Hepburn.

Members of the Nightingales Junior Pan side work the National Instrument during their performance at the MYDNS Youth Caravan in Point Fortin

"This one really surprised me cause yuh know we don't get to come down on this side that often so I wasn't sure what to expect," said Lewis afterward. "I continue to stay humble and just remain ever-grateful for these moments cause God knows my life could have been so different if I had made different choices, so that's what I always tell the youths who look to me for direction and for answers to all the questions they have - is not about the bling or the nice clothes and those material things cause when we leave, we can't take any of that with us, but is about making the choices and putting yourself in a position where you can enjoy those things yes, but more importantly being able to put food on your table and being able to give your mother something for all she did to raise you and being able to take care of your family overall.

So big up all the youths from La Brea, Point Fortin, Dow Village, all the deep south massive who still have the natural vibes, but see where the world is going still - I believe in you and I know you are going to put in the work and be successful - who does that? Youuuuu!"

Ministry of Labor Employees, Stacy Ann Pacheco and Karesia Francis take a photo with Village Celebrity DJ and Producer, "Travis World" Hosein during the MYDNS La Brea/ Point Fortin Youth Caravan. Click on this image to follow Travis World on IG!

The next Youth Caravan is scheduled for July 20 at Lisa's Gardens Community Centre, Lisas Gardens, Couva with the Semi Finals of the "Youth On Stage" talent competition carded for July 27 at the Hyatt Waterfront in Port of Spain.